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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Monroe Family Christmas

me, Butch with Ethan, Sarah, Dolly with Jadyn, and Bruce
Brady and Jacob got each other the same gift--balls!

Grandad, Mommu, Debbie, Gary, Glen in back, and Marisa. We all sat in a big circle with 2 piles of presents. The girls had a pile and the guys had a pile. Then we played the game where you have a number and you can steal a present from someone or take from the pile. We get pretty vicious!

Uncle Lenis, Aunt Rhonda with Cyla, Aunt Betty, Jeremy with Pacey, Rachel, Abigail, & Alex

Lou, Rebecca, Chris, Lendy, and Uncle Lenis

Some of the kids opening their present that they got from one of their cousins.

Here is Grace with some of her cousins. They have the best time because they are so close in age! Josh only has 7 cousins, but amongst the 8 of them, there are 14 great grandchildren all 5 yrs old and younger. And #15 is on the way! Needless to say, all those little ones are too crazy to have in a house, so we had our Christmas at his cousin's church. It was great because we could eat in the fellowship hall with the big kitchen and the kids could play in the nursery. Another room had several pack n plays in it for all the sleeping babies! Craziness!

Here is our family with Josh's grandparents. We were so glad to see them and visit with them over the holidays! Grandad just retired and he worked for the same company for something like 53 yrs!

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